Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Columbus Controversy at NCSU

Columbus Author to Lecture on Columbus Controversy at NCSU
New research tells a very different story than your history book suggests.

[September 1, 2010] RALEIGH – Durham resident, Manuel D. Rosa of Portugal, presents a lecture on Christopher Columbus titled, “Exposing the Lies of Columbus History,” at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, on Thursday, September 23, at 6:00 p.m. (Park Shops Building, 101 Current Dr.) – co-sponsored by the Office of International Affairs as part of Columbus Day events. The lecture includes details about Columbus that were not previously known and that contradict the tale of a “lost and incompetent dreamer,” implicating Columbus as taking part in a conspiracy against Spain. (Other lectures are scheduled for Portugal - October 9, in Portimao, October 11, in Lisbon, October 13, in Brussels - and on October 14 in Valladolid, Spain at Casa Museo Colón.)

Mr. Rosa is the first Columbus scholar to present new documents related to the discoverer of America that had been overlooked in Portugal for 500 years. He has participated in the DNA studies of Columbus’s bones by providing blood samples for comparison from Portuguese subjects including from His Highness D. Duarte, Lord Duke of Braganza.

Having spent the last 20 years in a painstaking investigation of manuscripts, chronicles, letters and other documents concerning the life of Columbus, Mr. Rosa authored notorious books like The Columbus Mystery Revealed (Pt.) and Columbus. The Untold Story (Sp.) - claiming the traditional history, taught the world over, consists largely of misconceptions and falsehoods. His books show documentation proving that Columbus never intended to sail to India because he was working as a Portuguese double agent. Columbus was “a true to life James Bond of his day,” whose secret mission was to divert the Spanish forces as far away from India as possible. Columbus’s covert operation across the Atlantic left the actual route free for Portugal so that Vasco da Gama could sail to the Indian Ocean unhindered.

As fantastic as all of these claims seem, Mr. Rosa has the support of many academics from around the globe including Dr. Trevor Hall, a professor of history from Jamaica, with a degree from Johns Hopkins University, who says, “I specialize in 15th and 16th century Portuguese paleography, and my research supports the conclusions that Columbus was a Portuguese spy for King Joao II.”

Dr. Antonio Vicente, History Professor at Lisbon University, who says, “For the first time ever a book was written about Columbus without starting from any preconceived certainties and every piece of the puzzle is explained point by point.”

Amongst other evidence presented in his books, are facts that show:
* The ship Santa Maria did not sink on Christmas Day 1492 but was instead dragged ashore and shot by a canon to maroon the overseers sent on that voyage by the Spanish Monarchs.
* The Genoese have committed a 400-year-old fraud in the history books claiming Columbus was a peasant wool-weaver from Genoa.
* A surprising new claim that Columbus was a noble knight and the Portuguese-born son of Ladislau III, King of Poland, who lived in self-exile on Madeira Island, Portugal since the late 1440s.

About Manuel D. Rosa: Mr. Rosa has authored three foreign language Trade Books on Columbus history and has lectured at NIEHS, Duke, Portuguese universities, the Portuguese Air Force Academy and at the prestigious Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, where in 2007 a packed audience from the Portuguese scientific community had the opportunity to evaluate his research calling it “a serious look at the truth and worthy of praise.” He has been featured in a documentary aired on Andaluzia TV in Spain, on Belgium TV, on WNPR and other Radio Shows in Portugal, Colombia, Argentina, plus a 1-hour interview on Spanish national radio in the program Historias del Mar, in August 2010.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Christopher Columbus: A Spy Unmasked

Duke Continuing Studies
April 27 at 2:00PM
Manuel Rosa will tell us about his research, which indicates Columbus knew exactly what he was doing! His lecture is titled “Christopher Columbus: A Spy Unmasked” and will be a bird’s eye view of the subject with new details that suggest a new perspective on the explorer.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Columbus: The Untold Story (Colón. La Historia Nunca Contada)

Try to visualize everything you were told about that epic 1492 voyage of Columbus and his discovery of America? His novel idea of opposing a flat earth theory with the belief that the earth was truly round: The trials and tribulations of convincing a court and a scientific committee to sponsor him on a fearless sailing voyage into the dark unknown: The weeks of meandering while lost at sea not knowing if he’d ever return home: The triumphant discovery of what he truly believed to be the land of India: The glorious return to Spain and hailed as a hero for discovering lands unknown to Europeans: The envy of the Spanish upper class nobles as they saw this lowly wool weaving peasant, a foreigner nobody, being rewarded with the titles of Admiral, Governor and even Viceroy.
It is truly an amazing and unbelievable “rags to riches” story used for centuries to inspire young and old all over the globe. How unbelievable is it to visualize?
Now what if you were shown that all that you just imagined is not true? What if you learned that Columbus was never lost, that he was not an ignorant wool weaver but a scholar and genius pilot in his day? That his own notes show he never believed to have reached the real India. That he was instead involved in a treacherous spy-game against Spain and that his name was not Columbus at all! Would you want to find out exactly how the unbelievably incorrect history you were taught came to be?
I know hearing that the story surrounding the discovery of America taught for more than 500 years being wrong sounds bizarre and hard to swallow. That would mean the assertions taught every child from the time he or she enters school would have to be changed. But based on 20 years of systematic research in countries from Poland to the Dominican Republic - utilizing ancient manuscripts to modern DNA and forensic to genealogy - I claim just that.
When I immigrated to the United States at the age of twelve I never dreamed I would stumble across such proof tied to my native land, but in 1991 while translating a work from Portuguese to English, I began to see how Columbus didn’t just stumble across America by accident as he sought India but the voyage was part of an ingenious espionage plot to defraud his Spanish sponsors.
In fact, I now have enough proof to assert that the man who discovered America wasn’t a peasant, Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus), the wool-weaver from Genoa at all, but Prince Segismundo Henriques of Portugal, son of the self-exiled Polish king Vladislav III.
My two previously published books on this subject in Portugal were sellouts. My new book Colón. La Historia Nunca Contada (Columbus: The Untold Story) published in Spain is receiving lots of media attention from Spain to Argentina, soon a  worldwide publisher is bound to take the newly completed and updated English version, titled "COLUMBUS. The Untold Story," to the world.
This book will forever change how we view our history and so does Prof. Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão, PhD, Dean of the University of Lisbon, who wrote the Preface, as well as other experts in the field like Prof. Trevor Hall, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Marcel Balla, PhD, Boston University, Prof. Manuela Mendonça, PhD, President of the Portuguese Academy of History…
“Another nutty conspiracy theory!” That’s what I first supposed as I started to read the manuscript… I now believe that if Columbus were alive and on trial by any fair civil court, he would be found guilty of huge fraud carried out over two decades against his patrons, wrote professor James T. McDonough, Jr., Ph.D. from Columbia University who taught at St. Joseph's University for 31 years.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Conferência na Azambuja : Vale do Paraiso

No próximo dia 13 de Março, pelas 15,30h realiza-se na 'Casa Colombo' em Vale do Paraíso um Colóquio que assinala o 517º aniversário do encontro entre Colombo (Colon) e D. João II, que ocorreu na segunda semana de Março de 1493, quando o navegador regressou da sua viagem de descoberta.

COLÓQUIO: «O encontro de Colombo (Colon) com D. João II - revisitado à luz de modernos contributos»

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Colón. La historia nunca contada. (EEHA) Sevilla

Escuela de Estudios Hispano - Americanos (EEHA)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Colón. La historia nunca contada
Autor: Manuel Rosa
Presenta: Antonio Vicente, Doctor en Historia por la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de Lisboa
Lugar: Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, CSIC
24 de noviembre de 2009, 19,00 h.

Friday, January 15, 2010


No próximo dia 2 de Fevereiro, pelas 17,30h realiza-se 
na Academia de Marinha uma Conferência integrada no seu programa de sessões culturais, com o título
e apresentada pela ASSOCIAÇÃO CRISTÓVÃO COLONõesculturais.aspx

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Colombo Português já nas Bibliotecas

Biblioteca Municipal Rocha Peixoto,
Póvoa de Varzim

Rede Municipal de Bibliotecas de Lisboa

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christopher Columbus would have been a spy of King John II of Portugal

Christopher Columbus was actually a “secret agent” of King John II of Portugal who deceived the Catholic Kings “with the promise of a route to India by the West” according to Portuguese writer and historian Manuel Rosa.

New findings incriminate Columbus as a  spy for the crown of Portugal, according to the author of COLUMBUS: The Untold Story, to be released November 24, in Seville.

Columbus academics know, that in 1488, Columbus was allowed by the King of Portugal to witness a vital Portuguese secret: a detailed map of the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope. Therefore the question arises as to why Columbus did not take that shorter route around Africa in 1492.
This is only one of the many questions that Rosa, has focused on answering during his 18-year-long investigation and one of the many points he presents in support of the Portuguese spy theory.
The widely accepted theory that Columbus believed he had reached India by miscalculations and mistaking the world for much smaller is challenged by private notes that Columbus left behind.
In 1494 Columbus made a personal note that Haiti was located only 5 Time Zones West of Portugal while India, since the year 150 AD, was known to be located 8 Time Zones to the East of Portugal—a location directly opposite on the sphere from where Columbus places himself in 1494. This is only one of the many facts used by the author to contest the official history.
Having already published two books in Portuguese, Rosa is seen as a leading expert on the subject of Columbus’s relations with the Portuguese crown. He is the only investigator to present new Portuguese documentation related to Columbus in 500 years.
The new Spanish book will be presented in Seville, Spain, with the assistance of Spain’s leading expert on Columbus, Professor Consuelo Varela of the High Council of Scientific Research, at the School of Hispano-American Studies where Mrs. Varela is the Assistant Director.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cristóbal Colón fue un espía del rey de Portugal, según un historiador portugués

Cristóbal Colón fue en realidad un ‘agente secreto’ de el rey Juan II de Portugal que engañó a los Reyes Católicos ‘con la promesa de una ruta a la India por Occidente’, según la tesis del historiador y escritor portugués Manuel Rosa.
En el libro ‘Colón. La historia nunca contada’, Manuel Rosa sostiene que el almirante encandiló a Fernando de Aragón e Isabel de Castilla con la idea de abrir una nueva ruta hacia la ‘falsa India’ para dejar vía libre a los portugueses en la India verdadera y en Africa.
En una entrevista telefónica con Efe desde Durham (Carolina del Norte) donde vive y trabaja, Rosa, que presenta su obra el próximo 24 de noviembre en la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (CSIC) de Sevilla (España), explicó que Portugal quería explotar yacimientos de oro en Ghana (Africa) y comerciar con la India sin la intromisión de España.
De hecho, precisó, ‘los portugueses no enviaron ningún navío a la India hasta que Colón’ no descubrió el Nuevo Mundo y Castilla se avino a firmar en 1494 el Tratado de Tordesillas con el rey Juan II de Portugal, un pacto que estableció las rutas de expansión de ambas potencias al este y al oeste.
Manuel Rosa abundó en las rivalidades que existían entonces entre Castilla y Portugal por lograr la hegemonía sobre la ruta comercial por el Atlántico.
En ese contexto, respaldó la teoría de que en 1483 Isabel de Castilla tramó el asesinato de Don Juan II (1481-1495) por medio de dos sobrinos de Colón, lo que impulsó al rey portugués a fraguar un plan conspirador con la ayuda del almirante, muy allegado a la Corona lusitana.
Para este licenciado en Ciencias Humanas que reside en Estados Unidos, no cabe la menor duda de que Colón estaba al tanto de que el Caribe era conocido y siguió en su viaje de 33 días hacia el Nuevo Mundo una ruta ya trazada.
Colón, antes, en 1477, ‘había navegado hasta Canadá en una misión secreta’ urdida por de los reyes de Portugal y Dinamarca, aseguró.
‘Todo lo que yo presento está respaldado con documentación histórica’, afirmó Rosa, que lleva 18 años tratando de resolver los misterios y enigmas que esconden la figura de Colón.
A su juicio, el plan pergeñado por Colón fue una artimaña tan bien tramada que ‘no sólo convenció y engañó a los Reyes Católicos, sino al mundo entero durante quinientos años’.
Otra de las tesis más sorprendentes de este ensayo es la relativa al origen del almirante.
Mientras que la mayoría de historiadores coinciden en que Colón fue ‘un plebeyo genovés’, un ‘tejedor de lana’ que ascendió a capitán, Rosa cree que era un noble portugués, hijo del rey de Polonia y Hungría Ladislao III, que nació en la isla portuguesa de Madeira.
Rosa mantiene la teoría de que Ladislao III, quien desapareció tras librar una batalla contra los turcos, buscó anonimato y refugio en Portugal y recibió de la Corona portuguesa tierras en la isla de Madeira, donde nació Colón.
Sobre la teoría del origen plebeyo del descubridor, sostiene que resulta poco creíble que un hombre de origen humilde, como era supuestamente Colón, hubiese podido casarse con Filipa Moniz, una noble portuguesa que residía en un monasterio y era comendadora de la orden de Santiago de la Espada en ese país.
Manuel Rosa también procede a desmontar las tesis de que Colón era judío o judío converso y lo ocultó a propósito. ‘No era judío. Según los análisis de ADN era un europeo blanco caucasiano’, aseveró.
Además, y lo que es más importante, prosiguió, se han analizado muestras de ‘477 Colombos de Italia, Francia y España’ y practicado una comparación ‘con el ADN de los huesos desenterrados en la catedral de Sevilla’, pertenecientes al hijo de Colón, Fernando, y a su hermano pequeño, Don Diego Colón, que murió en 1515.
La identificación genética de los restos óseos arroja que ‘ninguno de estos Colombos mostraba un ADN compatible con los huesos de Colón’, por lo que ‘es imposible que el almirante fuese el italiano Cristoforo Colombo, genovés de sangre’, sentenció.
Defiende también que la llamada pérdida de la nao Santa María, la más grande que usó Cristóbal Colón en su primer viaje a América, nunca se trató de un naufragio.
‘La Santa María nunca naufragó, sino que fue varada a propósito en tierra (en las playas de Haití) para servir de fortaleza a los hombres de la corte de Castilla’, dejados allí por Colón ‘para que no contradijesen la versión’ que presentó ante los Reyes Católicos a su regreso.
Con gran astucia, explicó el historiador, Colón perforó la nave de costado a costado con un cañonazo de lombarda y se trajo consigo en la carabela La Niña a los cuatro pilotos que navegaban en esa primera expedición.
A su regreso a la corte de Castilla, ‘anuncia que viene de la India y que ha dejado allí una ciudad conquistada’, un extremo que nadie pudo rebatir. La realidad es, destacó, que Colón no encontró canela y oro como trató de hacer creer en la corte castellana, sino ‘personas desnudas sin armas, cabañas de paja, canoas hechas de corteza de árboles’, y poco más.
Además, agregó, la India ya era bien conocida y famosa entonces por sus diamantes y rubíes y el comercio de especias controlado por los musulmanes, por lo que aquella tierra no podía corresponder con la India.
Esto lo sabía con certeza Colón, por eso llamó a esas tierras ‘Las Indias’ y ‘dio medidas engañosas sobre el Nuevo Mundo para confundir y engañar, no por ignorancia’, puso de relieve.