Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Columbus Controversy at NCSU

Columbus Author to Lecture on Columbus Controversy at NCSU
New research tells a very different story than your history book suggests.

[September 1, 2010] RALEIGH – Durham resident, Manuel D. Rosa of Portugal, presents a lecture on Christopher Columbus titled, “Exposing the Lies of Columbus History,” at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, on Thursday, September 23, at 6:00 p.m. (Park Shops Building, 101 Current Dr.) – co-sponsored by the Office of International Affairs as part of Columbus Day events. The lecture includes details about Columbus that were not previously known and that contradict the tale of a “lost and incompetent dreamer,” implicating Columbus as taking part in a conspiracy against Spain. (Other lectures are scheduled for Portugal - October 9, in Portimao, October 11, in Lisbon, October 13, in Brussels - and on October 14 in Valladolid, Spain at Casa Museo Colón.)

Mr. Rosa is the first Columbus scholar to present new documents related to the discoverer of America that had been overlooked in Portugal for 500 years. He has participated in the DNA studies of Columbus’s bones by providing blood samples for comparison from Portuguese subjects including from His Highness D. Duarte, Lord Duke of Braganza.

Having spent the last 20 years in a painstaking investigation of manuscripts, chronicles, letters and other documents concerning the life of Columbus, Mr. Rosa authored notorious books like The Columbus Mystery Revealed (Pt.) and Columbus. The Untold Story (Sp.) - claiming the traditional history, taught the world over, consists largely of misconceptions and falsehoods. His books show documentation proving that Columbus never intended to sail to India because he was working as a Portuguese double agent. Columbus was “a true to life James Bond of his day,” whose secret mission was to divert the Spanish forces as far away from India as possible. Columbus’s covert operation across the Atlantic left the actual route free for Portugal so that Vasco da Gama could sail to the Indian Ocean unhindered.

As fantastic as all of these claims seem, Mr. Rosa has the support of many academics from around the globe including Dr. Trevor Hall, a professor of history from Jamaica, with a degree from Johns Hopkins University, who says, “I specialize in 15th and 16th century Portuguese paleography, and my research supports the conclusions that Columbus was a Portuguese spy for King Joao II.”

Dr. Antonio Vicente, History Professor at Lisbon University, who says, “For the first time ever a book was written about Columbus without starting from any preconceived certainties and every piece of the puzzle is explained point by point.”

Amongst other evidence presented in his books, are facts that show:
* The ship Santa Maria did not sink on Christmas Day 1492 but was instead dragged ashore and shot by a canon to maroon the overseers sent on that voyage by the Spanish Monarchs.
* The Genoese have committed a 400-year-old fraud in the history books claiming Columbus was a peasant wool-weaver from Genoa.
* A surprising new claim that Columbus was a noble knight and the Portuguese-born son of Ladislau III, King of Poland, who lived in self-exile on Madeira Island, Portugal since the late 1440s.

About Manuel D. Rosa: Mr. Rosa has authored three foreign language Trade Books on Columbus history and has lectured at NIEHS, Duke, Portuguese universities, the Portuguese Air Force Academy and at the prestigious Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, where in 2007 a packed audience from the Portuguese scientific community had the opportunity to evaluate his research calling it “a serious look at the truth and worthy of praise.” He has been featured in a documentary aired on Andaluzia TV in Spain, on Belgium TV, on WNPR and other Radio Shows in Portugal, Colombia, Argentina, plus a 1-hour interview on Spanish national radio in the program Historias del Mar, in August 2010.